In my personal calender, NOVEMBER is the most active of the 12 months.
First, comes birthdays of family members. Irene starts the ball rolling on the 7th, follow by Val, 11th and Zixin, 15th and not forgetting my late husband, 30th. Many of my good friends' birthdays also fall on different days of the month. To name but a few of them are Gaik Bee, Lee Moong Nah and Girly. So here is wishing all of you.... " A VERY BLESSED BIRTHDAY AND MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY !! ".
Next, comes anniversary. My beloved mother's death anniversary is on the 27th. So to the bestest mother and bestest grandmother in the whole world, I say it loud and clear..... " YOU ARE FONDLY MISSED AND FOREVER REMEMBERED BY ALL OF US !! ".