Thursday, November 11, 2010

Any takers?

The above photo on the left shows an uncompleted cross stitch embroidery. The photo on the right is how the completed piece will look like. You can change WELCOME to any wordings of your choice., e.g. HOME SWEET HOME or BLESS OUR HOME.

I have decided to give it away. Anybody interested to continue with it? How about you Bee Bee, Bee Lean. What about you Gaik Bee, Lye.......

I cannot complete it because I find this project too strenuous for my eyes. This is done on small squares, using 3 strands of thread. However, the chart is printed on red paper. Most frustrating!

Nowadays I only go for small and simple designs. Must be kind to my poor eyes now. Age has caught up!! Hahaha....


  1. sorry, I too having 2 projects (1/8 done) hanging, thinking to pass on to the right candidate, haha! old ady, really must be kind to our eyes, I never tried the smaller squares, not that brave and cruel! hahah!


  2. as for me, u knw i am not good in stiches etc...

    give me i also dun have de ability to complete it..


  3. So disappointed......nobody wants to continue?? This will definitely be a beautiful piece when completed.

  4. sis, can still use a magnifying glass..
    A BIG No no from me.. hehe


