Saturday, March 12, 2011


Talking of MPSP reminds me of a few photos of the building which I have taken just before I retired end June 2006. I keep this album in All of you are welcome to visit my site.

In my opinion this is a beautiful building and I really admire it. Whenever I am around the vicinity, my eyes will always go in search of it. Recently I needed to go back to MPSP to settle some personal matters at the Human Resources Department on 14th floor. After a lapse of 4 & 1/2 years I find everything inside the building looks almost the same as before. However, I also discovered something rather amusing here.......

Entering the public car park is like driving into a desert! There is not a shady spot in sight!! None. The few stunted trees are the same height as when I last seen them in 2006!!! It cannot even give shade to a small bicycle! Hahaha... where is the problem? Is it to do with the soil? weather? wrong choice of plants?

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